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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Don't Get Crabby, Just Get Crabgot

You know that the mechanical bottom half of Urgot in League of Legends for the Personal Computer prevents him from ever getting crabs (or any kind of action) but do you know that he can turn himself into one? Yeah, I got myself another alternate skin for the game in the form of the Giant Enemy Crabgot. I like the idea behind this skin and it looks pretty neat but I am disappointed that he is not carrying a victim around as shown in the splash art... That would have made the skin epic beyond anything else, especially if she is twitching and kicking on his shoulder. You never know, they may do a visual upgrade on this in the future.
Looks like a crab and smells like a fish.


BloodyFuneral said...

There will be a new support champion coming out before the end of the year, and also, they're considering making a new skin for soraka.

Loner Gamer said...

But there are 105 "support" champions already? I am one of those folks who don't believe in a predetermined, obligatory role for each champ. I think Riot should just introduce champions with a general approach and just allow the players to have fun with the champs - I am not a fan of role indoctrination because it limits one's imagination. What the player does with the champion defines the champion's role in a game, not the design of the champion itself. More important than conventions of champion roles is the actual composition of the group. I have played an an attack speed, hybrid AP/AD Soraka before, it was a lot of fun, especially with having that Starcall violently shredding opponent's magic resist.

BloodyFuneral said...

No one defines how what role each champion to should fit in (except Riot), it's the champions who define themselves.

Ahri is played as ap not ad or support because she's most efficient in ap, not ad and she simply cannot support; blitz is defined as a support because he does an amazing job supporting however he will lose to many champions if solo top.

What they do best will define their roles, and vice versa.

You can go AD soraka and you think it's fun, but what determines whether soraka can be an ADC is not if AD soraka is "fun", it's if she's capable of doing that ---- the "legit" way to playing the champions is most powerful because it's the most efficient. Teemo is a bad ADC on the lane and a horrible support simply because he can't do those "efficiently". Although it's up to you to play a champion in the way you like.

Now I do agree with some of your opinions. Riot introduced some champions but the players turned out finding another better way of playing, for example, jungling mundo and jungling skarner.

However Riot is not happy about this sometimes, they nerfed Amumu and Janna's ap scale, because they don't want them to go ap, they want Amumu to be played just like a tank and Janna just like a support, kinda like each doing their own job.

Loner Gamer said...

Fun and effective was what I meant. It's all about the composition of the team. When you put a stamp that there's just one "legit" way to play a champion, well, I am not for that at all because it takes a lot away from the game. Then perhaps instead of having players buy items during the game, maybe items should be automatically added into the champion's inventory when there's enough money to get them. I am just not an elitist when it comes to champion roles. Sure, some champions do some things better than others but the real question is, have we actually tried to have those champions excel in other roles? Probably not. Sometimes, all it takes is for us to think outside of the box.

Just the other day, I played with a solo top AD Blitzcrank who pretty much owned the other team like crazy. At the beginning of the match, some of the players already started being negative about the idea but I was like, "Why not?" and pure ownage followed. Definitely one of the most memorable matches I have ever been in. Since you mentioned AP Ahri, I also had an experience of supporting an AD Ahri at the bot lane and she pretty much owned that match. The tricky movements, taunt, and spell vamp on top of AD were just too much for the oppositions to handle. One of the best AD carry performances I have ever seen. Even better than the typical champions selected for that role.

BloodyFuneral said...

I actually watched that game where you had that blitz having a score of 13/0/2 or something. It was unfortunately of me to miss the beginning part because I was curious how stupid his opponent was (and ended up feeding a blitz like that).

Let me rephrase it, maybe this blitz is way better than the other team's solo top.

But do you think he'll do this good against a equally-matched opponent? What if someone with similar skill level comes and plays Pantheon, Riven or Irelia? As for AD Ahri, I have the confidence that I won't lose to any AD Ahri who has the similar skill level as me.

Just because you've seen one good example doesn't mean this playstyle actually works. I'm sure you've seen a lot of counterexamples (or maybe AD Ahri should be an counterexample?). I myself have seen Vayne + Ahri destroying the enemy bottom lane, however both my Ahri friend and I agreed that if the enemy pair had known how to play, it would've been our bottom getting destroyed.

If blitz solo top and AD Ahri were indeed powerful ways to play the game, then we'd see lots and lots of them. In fact you don't always have to play them to verify if they fit in this role --- how come Cait and Teemo are not good ADCs? Because Cait does not have any abilities to enhance her normal attacks and teemo's got a lousy attack range.

I'll tell you an extremely deadly combo at the bottom lane, Pantheon + Leblanc, each one of these is deadly enough to almost 1v2 in the early, now how about we put them together?

Well, I'd say a good pair of ADC + support can neutralize this threat, although it will be very hard, but if played right, one of pantheon & leblanc will be useless in the middle game, as this combo relies on scoring kills to ensure that both of them get enough gold.

(I have thought about it and decided to delete this paragraph, because I'm not sure if you'll get upset with me, lol)

All i'm saying is having fun is one thing, it's everyone's right and choice, but whether it's the best way to play a champion is another thing.