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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, October 25, 2012

My First X-Box 360 PAL Game?

When it comes to console game imports, the European versions are normally the one to steer clear from because of how horrific the packaging normally looks but when it involves Dodonpachi Resurrection for those who only own the unmodified North American X-Box 360 console, this becomes unavoidable. I have played this game for quite a bit on my iPad 2 but I finally succumb to the temptation and picked this EU "Deluxe Edition" release up. As much as I love playing the game on my iPad, the thrill of dodging millions of bullets on the big screen is just too irresistible and since I didn't pick up the HD version on the iPad - Cave should have given the HD re-release for free to those who purchased the original - I also get to enjoy a nice graphical boost to the game.
It looks like I will only be playing the iPad version while I'm away from home.
One thing to note if you choose to follow suit with acquiring this game for your NA system: DRDE is indeed region free between EU and NA but strangely, the downloadable contents are not. Unlike the region-free Japanese releases from Cave, the DLCs are not readily available to be downloaded using a NA X-Box LIVE account, which is quite lame. Apparently, one could have this unlocked using a EU LIVE account but I am not even sure if I want to go through all that hassle. I knew about this issue with the game before I got it but it doesn't make it any less disappointing because one of the DLCs is non-other than the Black Label release. I suppose that I just can't have everything sometimes. At least this release comes with a soundtrack CD and 4 gameplay modes and you should be able to find it easily at a good low price.
That PEGI rating box is so very distracting.

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