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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, February 17, 2012

I Have a Feeling You Don't, Microsoft!

So I am in a good mood tonight. You know, the kind of good mood where you feel like spending some hard earned cash to end the weekdays and to celebrate the incoming holiday weekend on a high note. The first thing I considered doing was getting Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning from Steam on the Personal Computer but then, I was reminded of my $39.99 price commitment. I was so tempted but I knew that I should wait on that game. Then, I went to check my email and saw a promotional message from Microsoft:

Really? You really do?

As you may know, I have left LIVE Gold for a long time and I don't plan on getting back to it but wow, good job Microsoft for sending the email to me at the right moment in time. You guys should give whoever involved in this promotion a raise. "We'd love to have you back..." it claimed. I mean, they were really stroking my ego there and my desire to be wanted and to belong. Thus, I clicked on the link that stated that I would "Get a great deal on Xbox LIVE Gold..." and that took me to this wonderful page:

What? Really? I thought you loved me?

Wow, you almost had me Microsoft. I don't know what kind of savings you had planned but whatever it was, I really was willing to pay for it. Well, you blew it big time. This is probably a good thing because I would have regretted getting back on that stupid service when I wake up in the morning tomorrow.

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