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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, February 16, 2012

All Digital Download: The Time is Now

Every so often, I like to move things around in my Game Room. The reasons behind this may vary: sometimes, I would do it to clear up space, to reorganize things, or to help defeat boredom. The latest reshuffle that happened a couple of days ago was definitely prompted by boredom. What I did was basically move my futon to the side of the room and place a chair where the futon used to be in front of the entertainment center. I have done this configuration before but what I noticed this time while moving things around was the large amount of space that was actually needed to accommodate the many video games I have.

Is there such thing as too many video games?
When it comes to their physical forms, yes, there is such a thing.

Just imagine, if things are going to continue like this for the next 5 years, it will be impossible for me to fit any more console games into my Game Room. At least I don't have to worry about games for the Personal Computer since everything is exclusively inducted in digital download format for me these days but still, if I am to keep up with console gaming, I am afraid I may get be buried alive by their imposing physical presence. I seriously think that it's time that all video games carry no physical forms anymore. I really want to see that before I pass on from this world. Developers, cut the cost involved in producing physical representations of your video games and make this video gaming universe a much better place. We are in the year 2012. It's time.

I just want to see all the games I have on a display. If only there
was a way to turn all my physical games into data crammed inside a digital storage device.

1 comment:

Chalgyr said...

I can't even imagine what all my gaming stuff would look like consolidated. Right now it's spread out between like 4 rooms in my house. I'm not quire ready for the all-digital era, but that is quite the collection you're sporting there. :)