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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Ease of iOS Inductions

The President's Day weekend has brought slong with it some rather interesting game promotions in the App Store for the iOS. This is all new to me of course and I learn that some games can even receive a 100% discounts and are just given away for free during the limited promotion period. I was like really? Why can't games be given out for free like this everywhere else? Well, we know that the costs of these games are usually next to nothing but you would think that the developers would still like to get some amount of cash flowing in. But as we all know, just because they are free, it doesn't make them good and I noticed that some of these free games actually mandate some heavy micro-transactions to take full enjoyment from them - these games should have been made free in the first place because of the amount of cash you would be spending while playing them. Still, I was able to find two great games this holiday weekend that can be enjoyed fully for the wonderful price of $0.00.

It's simple, it's addicting... and it has pirates!

Pirate Gunner HD by Black Pearl Games is a puzzle game where you try to connect the fuses to the pirate ships cannons in an effort to blow away your opponents. Most of the fun can be experienced with the arcade mode where you make the attempt to get the highest score possible but the game even includes a goofy story mode. I really like that you get to see the fighting on the top portion of the screen but the puzzle panel itself is nicely animated as well.

The action doesn't match the "invasion" storyline but it's still fun.

Though the first and the second games are also being offered to us for free this weekend, I only downloaded Sentinel 3: Homeworld by Origin8 because it is the only game in the series that is a universal app - which basically means that it can look pretty on the iPad. It's another futuristic tower defense game but what's interesting about this one is that it has a level up system for your commander unit where you can increase your statistics as you see fit. The game itself doesn't look all that great but it is a fun tower defense game that offers plenty of gameplay modes and difficulty levels.

You can download Pirate Gunner HD by clicking here and Sentinels 3: Homeland by clicking here. These games will only be free for a limited amount of time so make sure you get them before the promotion period ends.

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