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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Time to Revisit XIII?

When my Playstation 3 died in 2010 and I decided to get the "slim" model to replace it, I lost a lot of game saves. One of the most important saves being the file for Final Fantasy XIII - I have reached the final part of the game where you are granted that open world and you can optionally do those silly quests. With the sequel coming out at the end of the month, perhaps it's time that I man up and play through the first game again from the very beginning. Not that I am trying to rush to get the sequel. Oh no, I am not planning to do that any time soon because of my my budget range - and hun, there are other games that I would be interested in if you think of surprising me yet again.

It's hard to replay a Japanese role playing game. Oh well, at least this one is really pretty.

Thankfully, I really do like the story of FFXIII. As a matter of fact, I rank it one of the best in the series, second only to FFX and FFX-2. No wonder these two entries get their own sequels, it makes a lot of sense to me. I hope that things will go well with my play-through this time around. By the way, I have been working on my Yearly Gaming Analysis for last year. Looking at the list of games inducted last year reminded me that I have so many games waiting to be played and that actually has curbed my appetite for inducting more games this year. How much of an impact this has on me? We shall know at the end of 2012.

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