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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Admiring Sejuani

I have finally amassed enough Influence Points to unlock Sejuani, the Winter's Wrath, in League of Legends for the Personal Computer last night who happens to be the newest champion on the roster: Only 11 champions left to unlock! Well, that is until Ziggs arrives. For those who wonder how quickly one can unlock a champion by just playing the game versus spending actual money, it normally takes me about a week for the most expensive champions worth 6300 Influence Points. Anyway, I just want to share how impressed I am with the character model for this champion. First of all, she is riding a large boar! There is no other character out there who is actually riding an animal. No, Urfrider Corki doesn't count, let me explain why: the character models for both Sejuani and the boar are not stuck to each other. If you do the dance animation for Sejuani, she actually jumps on top of the boar after slapping her legs convincingly on its sides. Then, there's the death animation where Sejuani is knocked off backwards by the boar before it lands right on top of her. Such detailed work! Bravo, Riot Games. Amazing stuff. I sure hope that you guys can now revisit the older champions to improve upon their animations. And oh, Soraka still looks rather ugly and she is my most played champion!

Half-naked boar dancing: Only legal in Runeterra.

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