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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

3DS Play Coins: Married to the Machine

Oh Nintendo, you are so brilliantly evil. You implemented this Play Coin system for the Nintendo 3DS as a way to ensure that people will never ever leave the 3DS just laying around somewhere, away from the owners because using the built-in pedometer, the handheld will reward 1 coin for every 100 registered steps. Ever since I have seen the number of unlockables on the free Swapnote software, I am now quite obsessed with carrying my 3DS everywhere I go. I have ordered one of those 3DS protection case recently too because I want to make sure that my 3DS will be able to weather the elements and survive the harsh environments that it will be exposed to. I do find it a bit annoying that the coins are only given in the full hundred increments during the 24 hour period so if you stop at 99 steps before the end of the day, make sure to shake that 3DS so that you can claim that one coin before the new day starts.

Continually touched throughout the day.

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