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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, January 30, 2012

Unlimited PC Play... What?

I was able to get a referral back to the GameFly service so the game rentals will start to become a part of my life from this day forth. I did place Final Fantasy XIII-2 first on my queue but I am doubting that I will be getting that mailed to me (impress me GameFly, impress me, I tripple dare you). With their recent merger with Direct2Drive comes another game download client, and this one is still in beta... I don't like these things, especially when it takes five times as much memory to run compared to Steam, ewww. I was pleasantly surprised to find out however that "Unlimited PC Play" has been added to the GameFly service and this includes access to 275 Personal Computer games that you can freely download to your computer to play. A majority of these games are quite horrible where you can find the likes of the Diner Dash series amongst other dity pile of trash but slotted between them are a number of recognizably quality titles like The Dark Eye: Drakensang and Saints Row 2. Hey, free games are free games and they didn't have to include these to the service but they did. After you have downloaded the games, you can play them without running the GameFly client or having it connected to the Internet. My understanding is that once you stop the GameFly subscription, you will no longer have access to these free games but since it's not directly linked to the client, I am not exactly sure how that works. I tried looking for traces of something running in the background concurrent to the games but found none: Interesting. Well, I am off to a good start here. We'll see how long my relationship with this service last.

How things have changed since I last saw you, GameFly.
Wait, the number of distribution centers is still the same?!

Update Note: Wow, right before I publish this post, I went to look at my queue real quickly and saw that they have shipped out Final Fantasy XIII-2 for the PlayStation 3 to me. Oh my galaxy... This is good.

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