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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rift: Free Access Get!

It's the "half-birthday" for Trion World's Rift and they are offering free access to the game from today until the end of the month. I have played a short trial of the game and I was very impressed by it so of course I am taking this opportunity to play the game again. Ever since I skipped on that Steam Summer Sale offer, I have been regretting that decision ever since because I really do want to get into the massively multiplayer online role playing game genre again as much as I tried to consistently deny it.... So here we go again, a week worth of Rift. If you are new to the game and would like to explore it together, please let me know. In a MMO, the more is definitely the merrier. Click here to open up a game account and join in on the fun!

I just cannot resist such a delicious temptation!

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