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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Origins: Lesson Learned

A couple of days ago, I started playing Dragon Age: Origins again on my Personal Computer and instead of doing the usual fresh start routine that I normally do when I go back to a long abandoned game, I jumped straight back to my old save file. I suppose whenever I attempted to do this with an adventure game or a role playing game before, I was just not persistent enough because now with Origins, I feel like I have never left the game. Of course they are little details in the storyline that I have forgotten about and a good amount of subtleties in the play mechanics that have escaped me but as I added another 10 hours into my character over the past couple of days (she has a total of 60+ hours now under her belt!), those things are slowly coming back to me. It is easy to see now that it is more problematic to start at the very beginning in a situation like this like I did quite often in the past because sometimes, going over the same stuff again is not that motivating and things could easily slip into the realm of boredom, rendering the game less playable. The best way to play a game of course is to stick to it until you are done with it but that normally doesn't bode well with me because of my ever-changing mood and interest. I just have to remember from this point forward that it is okay to continue a game that I haven't played in a while from where I left off because I probably wouldn't be able to even get to the point where I stopped playing if I started again from the very beginning.

Grey Warden Ingrid getting ready to pulverize some dirty dwarves.


Kelli said...

For me I'm very big into storyline so if I forgot what was going on I have to start over... either that or find a script, lol..

but you are so right it is good to stick with a game untill you beat it, and I myself even have that problem.ilitt

eekmall said...

The moment i completed the game twice on 2 different type of character, I just played the Origin story of each remaining races. The moment the event starts the main storyline I quit!

I am now with Dragon Age 2 ~ 50% done on 1 character now... I wonder if I would want to replay it on a different character after I'm done with my mage...