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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2 Hours of Character Creation!

Is there something terribly wrong with me? I don't think that creating characters for two long freaking hours is that healthy but that was exactly what happened last night during the initial setup of the Storm of Zehir campaign for Neverwinter Nights 2 on the Personal Computer. I got this expansion back in mid-2009 alongside Raiden Fighters Aces for the X-Box 360 so we know what happened there... That 360 game took over and since I was replaying the NWN2 original campaign, the new expansion got lost in the shuffles. So here I am now, trying to get into the game again so that I can experience some of party-based role playing game action to balance out the solo excursions of Two Worlds II since I am holding off on Dragon Age II for a little bit.

Too many choices to make!

As if customizing your personal representation in the game was not a long enough process (it took me roughly close to an  hour or probably more to get my main hero created), the Storm of Zehir expansion wants you to choose three other team members to join your crew before the adventure commences. The game starts you off on a boat where you are accompanying a famed explorer on his way to Samarach and it is here that you have to register your own companions. Granted, there are already pre-made characters available for your choosing and that you don't have to complete a party of four to proceed but settling for those options is just not the same, right? Oh how I regret deleting all of my previous characters when I uninstalled this game. So I subjected myself to the grueling process of actually creating four of my own, complete with their own unique biographies... Like this uh, interesting one for the lovely elf Wizard Angeline Moonqueen:

It was late at night and I was getting a bit horny, what can I say? Gah! A typo!

Apparently, I had too much fun with the process because when I decided to look at the clock, I noticed that I had spent two hours on the whole thing! What made the character creation so complex in this game is that there are too many classes you can choose from and of course it takes some planning to ensure that you have a balanced party. When you started thinking about the Prestige Classes, it gets worse because you want to make sure that you are building your characters carefully to meet their eventual requirements. When a level one character is created in this expansion, he or she is automatically advanced a couple of levels thus forcing you to spend more time customizing the character stats. I really did not mind that I spent too much time on the character creations but I was glad when it was over because now I can finally start my epic journey. In regards to the original question though... I think that there is something wrong with me!

The gang's all here! We are now ready for... The Storm!

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