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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Games Alert: Double the Devil Edition!

My copy of Deathsmiles Limited Edition for the X-Box 360 is here! Another great shoot-em-up just merely days after the release of Sin & Punishment: Star Successor on the Nintendo Wii that I just got over the weekend. Deathsmiles is a "bullet hell" side-scrolling shooter with a Gothic theme. Before playing the game though, the first order of business is of course the custom faceplate installation! I have never opened up any of my 360's faceplates before so I was a bit scared that I may accidentally break something. It was actually easier to do than I imagined and here is the before and after of my Elite:

The Elite is not as sexy as the new X-Box 360 250GB but...

...the new faceplate does help in making it look quite refreshing!

Now that it's all set, I can get my Deathsmiles on! I surely hope that this game marks the beginning of future domestication of other Cave games here in North America. The second game inducted into my Game Library today is Heroes of Newerth for the Personal Computer, the multiplayer battle arena game that has been somewhat of a frustrating fascination for me. Yes, the community is nasty but the game itself is very tasty. With the new "Report a Player" feature being introduced tomorrow, I thought it is the best time to rejoin the game. Those who had a beta account for the game will be able to enjoy a free weekend starting tomorrow. So if you are like me and you are on the fence about purchasing the game for too long, the free weekend access is a good way to check out what has been improved in the game and to see if the community is any better. I would have done the same thing but then my significant other offered to get the account for me so why not? You're the best honey!

Notice the new swirly design on the top portion of the cover art.

The new green swirl is also printed on the game disc itself.

Ragers and jerks, here I come!

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