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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

LoL Season One Commences

After the excitement from the new official trailer yesterday, the "Season One" update has finally arrived on League of Legends. The pre-game interface now looks very sleek and modern, giving the game a more polished, expensive feel than before. Though everything looks suspiciously World of Warcraft in its design philosophy, overall Riot Games has done a tremendous job making the game a lot more attractive now than it used to be. There is no better time to join up and play this game - it is free, you have got nothing to lose. I thought it was also brilliant that they now made a new Kayle special skin where she is not wearing her helmet! I am sure that Riot Games is going to get a lot of money for that - a reminder, the only way the developer makes money from this game is the sale of alternate skins for the champions. As for the ranked matches, I am not even going to attempt them anytime soon. I want to get my summoner to level 30 before I would even consider going into the more competitive aspect of the game.

The new login screen is animated... and hot!

A sleek champion select screen before the battle commences.
Notice the lively, empowering chat and one interesting user name.

A character profile from the WoW website, just to throw you off.

No, this screenshot is not from the WoW website. Hmmm...

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