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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Defriender of the Earth

I was doing some friend list clean up the other day on my X-Box 360 and my PlayStation 3 which entails removing some people off the list. I do this rather often because I don't like carrying friendship badges around like they mean something to me. I get the occasional friend invites from video gaming message boards that I participate in as well as from brief interlude of online gameplay. One should not expect much from an "online friendship" that video gaming provide: I found that most people just like to accumulate friends rather than actually interacting with those friends and some only talk to you when they want something from you. I don't take it to heart thus the routine edits. I am even more restrictive about accepting friend requests on social sites such as Facebook - just because I know you, it doesn't mean that you can adopt me into your list of friends. If you actually do talk to me, well, that's a different story.

Today, I got a funny little message from one of those affected by the removal on the X-Box 360. This is actually the first time that this happened - Normally, I never hear back from these people because it's obvious that they didn't care to begin with. Not that the message I received is indicative that the person values my "friendship". Behold:

I sense much confusion in you.

The reason why I decided to remove this person off my friend's list was because he was non-responsive. He would tell me that he wanted to play a game together online but after I responded with a yes, he never gets back to me on it and when I invited him to play a game, he didn't respond to me. I don't mind being told "no" but the worse thing for me is when people completely ignore my message. There are those who would send game invitations without even asking if I wanted to play the game in question but I always ask first before I would send an invite. Apparently, the only time when I am worth his attention is when I am no longer on the friend's list. It's not like we were close so this shouldn't have been that much of a shocker. Oh, the joy of Internet friendship. How I miss my old World of Warcraft days...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don´t reply him (revenge is sweet :p)