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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, June 8, 2009

Games Played 05/29/2009

Clockwork Knight 2 - SegaSaturn
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom - X-Box 360
Neverwinter Nights 2 - PC


Darius Gaiden (1996)
Developer: Taito Corp.
Platform: SegaSaturn
Purchase Date: 07/19/2002

The game has more fish than your local sushi bar but it is less expensive to enjoy.

This game is the best entry in the fish-obsessed Darius series. Just like the other Darius games, you travel from planet to planet to destroy the enemies found on each location before fighting against a deviously powerful mechanical boss in the form of some crustacean creature or other types of sea life (mostly fish). You get to choose the next planet to visit at the end of the stage so you can really mix it all up each time you play the game. Gaiden is easy to get into but it's very difficult to master - to truly succeed, you are not allowed to die from the beginning until the end (even though you can) because you need to build up your ship's shield and weapon power-ups to the max to be able to withstand the relentless, screen filling enemy formations found in the later stages. In each stage, you can also try to have the mid-level boss fight alongside your ship by dislodging a sphere attached on its body. The sprites in the game look a bit too flat especially against some of the polygonal objects found in the background. The real graphical highlights here are the gigantic bosses with their strange attacks and stranger appearances. The soundtrack are mostly "new age" inspired and they have that calming effect that oddly works on top of the chaos that are happening on screen. The soothing music also makes the boss fights feel weirder, especially with seeing the colorful and psychedelic background that fills up the screen during these encounters.

LIBRARY STATUS: 4 out of 5

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