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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Does Love Conquer the PS Vita?

Today is my wedding anniversary and the spouse and I decided to celebrate it by spending the entire day running around the nearby cities together. I don't like the hot weather - the spouse loves the heat - but it was such a beautiful day and we had so much fun. We spent most of our time at a park near the river. We didn't have the day planned, we pretty much just went to whichever place that came to mind and that was a nice change of pace for us, especially me because I have always been and forever will be such a control freak.

Who knew the California State Capitol could become such a romantic spot?

At the end of the day, the spouse handed me a gift box and it was a moment that I didn't quite look forward to. The spouse loves getting me games and I just had a feeling that the spouse may have picked up the PlayStation Vita because I had been frequently asked about that dreaded thing, in which every single time I answered with a straightforward "No". Why don't I want the Vita? The screen isn't high definition as promised. It is NOT as powerful as a PlayStation 3 nor an X-Box 360. It has stupid loading time. And worst of all is its expensive propriety memory solution. As I slowly opened my present, I tried to find reasons to justify having a Vita in my Game Library... and I couldn't find one. Yes, there are games that are exclusive to the Vita that I want but I know for certain that those games will be released on the PS3 eventually. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the actual contents of the package:

An infinite number of galaxies better than getting a Vita.

So it is safe to say that the day ended on a high note for us. I know that if the Vita did arrive today, I would have to somehow implement it into my life because I consider everything that the spouse gives me as something truly special. Why was I worried in the first place? Well, even though the spouse reads my articles and talks to me about my gaming interests, sometimes the spouse likes to present me with interesting challenges just for fun. So the Vita threat is over for now.... Let's keep it that way, okay hun?

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