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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Diablo III: Distracting Monk

I should really be attempting to beat the Inferno difficulty of Diablo III on the Personal Computer with my level 60 Witch Doctor and hunt for the best gear but I have been spending most of my time with the game leveling up my other heroes. First, it was Abstinence and now, I have a new favorite. I thought that the Monk was the most boring class in this game but boy I was very wrong. I love my Chit the Monk so much - love the fierce melee action that puts her right in the center of a fight - that I am ready to dedicate myself to getting her to level 60 and take her all the way to the end of Inferno before I go back to the other characters. I should have just sampled each character class at least to level 10+ like I did recently and I wouldn't have found myself in the current situation.

The female Barbarian may be manly but this female Monk is more violent for sure.


Gameolio said...

You've progressed so much more since last time I joined you in-game! :)

Loner Gamer said...

I have been playing this game too much... Perhaps even more than League of Legends these days. We should group up more :D

Chalgyr said...

Chit the Monk? LOL. You're well ahead of my progress in that game. I'm still working on my first play-through with my barbarian. Fun, but I just haven't had the time I wanted with it.

Loner Gamer said...

I hope it's a female Barbarian. Abstinence is looking for a sister Barbarian to run around with.

Chalgyr said...

Afraid not, went with a male one. Got all 'creative' and named him Chalgyr, too. :P