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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'm from the Deep Woods?

First, she was a much beloved queen but Ashe is now merely.... a mad woman left in the wilds? I got another Ashe skin last night for League of Legends on the Personal Computer since they were offering a discount for Woad Ashe. They should have just called this particular skin a "Jungle Ashe" but that would definitely create much confusion. Not that jugnling is mandatory but I really don't like that players don't experiement with dual laning duos anymore. Confused by those statements? Well, why not play this incredible game and understand its delicious intricacies as well as orgasmic action for yourself? Sign up for you free Summoner's account by clicking here. The game is absolutely 100% free to play - the optional skins I have purchased do not give me stats benefits but they provide visual varieties to my champions - and you will be addicted for life.

Watch out. She's aiming at your crotch and she still has her ultimate.

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