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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Diablo III Sexy Time!

I have spent about 76+ hours playing Diablo III by Blizzard for the Personal Computer with my Witch Doctor character alone but I after tonight's session, I have a feeling that perhaps my obsession with all that voodoo mumbo jumbo may have been somewhat misplaced. When I first started the game, I created one character per class but of course, I mainly focused on the Witch Doctor. Lately, I have been leveling up my female Barbarian and she is starting to really grow on me. Not that I like tanky characters and her abilities so far are not as fascinating as the other classes but... playing her is really entertaining.

I doubt that she's a virgin. Then again...

So what makes her character so special to me? Well, for the first time, I feel that her name fits her character perfectly. I use the name "Abstinence" a lot for my characters in a plethora of different games just because of the prudish implication - I know, I am weird like that - and though I had a lot of fun playing those characters with the same name before, I finally found the real character that deserves that name. This female Barbarian is seemingly independent and strong. She sounds like a dude, smells like an ox, and seems to be interested in nothing but beating up anything that moves to a pulp. It would definitely be a lot easier for an approaching love interest to get a punch in face than a kiss on the lips. Want to spend the night with her? Forget about it! Then, there's that new banner I just created with the hearts. Oh, such perfect moment of bliss.

Just one of the boys.

My love for Abstinence became intensified when I joined a public game that had two male Barbarians in it. I don't know, something about being the only female Barbarian in that trio just made me feel special for some reason. It's like she's saying "Look at me boys, I can hit just as hard and you know that we can go make some Barbarian babies when Diablo is dead." I guess the inner feminist in me has completely taken over my mind tonight... Or perhaps my brain is just being overactive just to make another DIII level-up session more exciting than it actually is since I have been playing my low level characters a lot lately. Nah, I think the League of Legends server being offline today should be blamed for this delusional episode for sure.

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