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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

League of Legends: Proper Bots?

The last time Riot Games made an announcement about creating intelligent bots for League of Legends, it ended up being a disappointment because the bots we ended up with are still so very predictable and has low intelligence. Riot wants to fix all that it looks like with today's announcement of an "Expanded Co-Op vs. AI" update that is being teased for a release in the near future:

The most exciting thing about this update is that we can now play against bots in Dominion mode. It helps of course that the bots fighting against each other in the video footage above do look alright - though I did notice the occasional zombie like movements and reactions. Why is it that bots development is so important in a game like this? Sure, LoL is at its most tastiest when played against a team of human players but every now and then, you want a challenge without having to bother with possibly fighting alongside or against nasty people with horrible attitudes. I am really excited about this new development. I don't care if developing super-intelligent bots will eventually doom humanity when they finally turn on us as long as we get to enjoy them for a short period of time.

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