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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nights... Into Widescreen?

Nights: Into Dreams... for the SegaSaturn in one of my top 10 favorite games of all time. I can still remember the excitement I felt when I purchased it on June 18th, 1996. The SegaSaturn system I own is the Japanese version - it's still functioning properly to this day - and the game was bundled with the analogue controller in a beautiful box. I no longer have that box unfortunately but at least I still have both the game and the controller. Back then, I was doing my undergraduate studies so I didn't have a fancy gaming setup. I played the game on one of those old CRT televisions and until today, I have forgotten that the game has a "Wide" TV screen mode deep inside its option screen! I can now recall toggling it on and off when I first got the game and seeing how the characters and environments get squashed by the "Wide" option. It's funny to think that only after about 14 years later, I can finally enjoy the game in its 16:9 glory.

Am I glad to see you again.

Though not implemented to perfection - the fact that all of the 2D menu screens and in-game interfaces are stretched out to fill up the expanded aspect ratio - the actual 3D engine is indeed presented in true 16:9. I am mighty impressed by this, the fact that widescreen televisions were not the norm in those days. Something is telling me that I am going to be playing my Nights frequently again due to this finding. Here are some comparison screenshots from the game:





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