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Friday, June 5, 2009

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Beta Key

The retail copy of Infamous that I picked up contains the multiplayer beta key for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. I was glad that I didn't use it right away because soon after, I received an official invitation from Sony to participate in the beta. The beta voucher has an expiration of 06/28/2009 and it would be a shame to waste it. If you are interested in obtaining this key, please send me an email at loner.gamer@yahoo.com and I will provide it to the first request that arrives in my mailbox. [Update Note: 11am - I just discovered that I got another code that I received from a limited offer request that I submitted in, so there are two beta keys here up for grabs! 12:29pm - both codes have been claimed. That was quicker than expected thanks to my companion piece account on Youtube.]

I played the beta a couple of days ago and it was good. I really didn't like the competitive multiplayer - it's just another team-based third person shooter death-match - but the 3-player cooperative campaign mode was a lot of fun. It's like playing the first game, only with a couple of more players joining in on the explorations, the discoveries, and the gunfights! One thing is certain: the game's graphics are unbelievable even though the highest resolution is stuck at 720p. Uncharted 2 is definitely one of the best looking games I have seen this year.

It's Resident Evil 5 all over again but only faster and without the filthy majinis.

09/04/2018 - I am still getting requests in regards to this post to this day. Several things to note: Both codes were already claimed on the same day of the post 9 years ago. Also, you can now play the actual full game instead of playing a beta. If you don't know that, well, I don't know what to say. Lastly, these were the beta keys for the game on the PlayStation 3, and NOT for the PC. Thank you.


Jaterfly said...

Hopefully i can get one of those codes!
its a fun game !
i would most def play it everyday lol
ill play with u
add me its Jaterfly

Willem said...

Hi, i would do so much for that code, i singed in for so many competitions but with no luck. You would really make me happy with it.