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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, February 10, 2014

Games Played 02/03/2014 - 02/09/2014

- 02/03/2014 -
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - PlayStation 3

- 02/04/2014 -
Baten Kaitos: Origins - GameCube

- 02/05/2014 -
Audiosurf - PC

- 02/06/2014 -
Audiosurf - PC
Jets'n'Guns Gold - PC
League of Legends - PC
Oniken - PC

- 02/07/2014 -
Audiosurf - PC
Baten Kaitos: Origins - GameCube
League of Legends - PC

- 02/08/2014 -
Audiosurf - PC
League of Legends - PC
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - PlayStation 3
Smart As... - Vita

- 02/09/2014 -
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - PC
League of Legends - PC

Screenshot of the Week:

This is why I try not to use fast travels.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Personal Computer)

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