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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Steam Will Keep Us Warm!

Steam has just kicked off its irresistable Autumn Sale and this frustrating - because you want to get them all - but fun event will take place all through the weekend. Every day, new outrageous discounts will be offered alongside hundreds of titles that have their prices nicely slashed. The featured items are getting a big 50% - 75% discounts so keep your eyes peeled for those games that you have always been wanting to get. Microsoft may have X-Box LIVE Gold available for free to Silver members this weekend - a move that should actually be a revelation to the current Gold members that the service should be free to begin with - but I know where I will be spending most of my gaming time... unless of course, if you still wanted to play some Halo, Dan!

We will be rolling in dead leaves... I mean, new games this Thanksgiving weekend!

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