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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, November 24, 2011

So I'm on LIVE Gold and...

After Thanksgiving dinner earlier this evening, I jumped on my X-Box 360 to check out the free access to the LIVE Gold that was activated for all Silver members for this Thanksgiving weekend. The first thing that I did was sent several messages out to my online friends and then booted up Otomedius Excellent. I soon discovered that nobody was playing that game online - of course they don't - but at least I was able to reconnect with a couple of my old friends and we ended up playing Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing for a while. I was quickly reminded that the problem with paying money for access to online multiplayer is that you have to make sure that you have people that you can play with who also wanted to play the games that you yourself wanted to play. In my case tonight, those games included Culdcept Saga, Deathsmiles IX, and Otomedius Excellent. I really couldn't think of other online-enabled 360 games that I was really in the mood to play. If I were to reactivate my LIVE Gold membership right now, Microsoft is offering a year's worth for only $39.99: that's $20 off! But would that be worth the price if I cannot even get to play my favorite games online consistently? Worse still is that some of my online friends are not even responding back to me when it comes to playing some online game with them this weekend to take advantage of the free access. Oh well. At least I made an interesting discovery tonight while chatting in the X-Box LIVE party:

This character select screen hides a diabolical secret...

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