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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fallout: New Vegas - Return Danger

After learning the positive things about the Personal Computer version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim recently, it would be a lie for me to say that I am not tempted to obtain the game and start playing it. That $59.99 price point is of course a major deterrent for me so to alleviate some of my open world role playing game craving, I have decided to jump back into Fallout: New Vegas. I have only spent about 3 hours playing the game and now, I have made a grave error in regards to the save file that I loaded up this evening. Without looking at the time stamps, I chose a custom save file instead of the auto-save where I left off. Since I have the auto-saving enabled every time an area transition occurs, I discovered too late that I was back to the first hour of the game and my auto-save had already been replaced. I got a bit mad and deleted both files. Now, I am left somewhat frustrated with the whole situation. Perhaps it's a good thing that this happened though because starting fresh may be just the thing I need to really get back into the game again.

When these two games collide, I lose a save file.

Update Note: 11/13/2011 - I got a better idea. Since I missed out on the launch of the late September version 2.0 update for The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, perhaps it's a good time to return to that game instead!

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