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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Diablo III Beta Get!

I was very quick to request a beta invitation for Diablo III on the Personal Computer when Blizzard started accepting the beta applications many centuries ago and I finally got an invite to the closed public beta test today. I am so very excited about this opportunity of course, though it took so long for me to get here. I am downloading the game as we speak, a process that should take quite a while if the World of Warcraft patch server was any indication. There is only 2.75 GB of data that is needed for the beta and from my understanding, the beta testers don't even get to explore the entirety of Diablo III's first Act but it should be fun to mess around with the game nonetheless.

The real evil of Diablo III is the wait we have to endure before it is released.