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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Luck & Love in LA

Capcom is organizing a launch event for Street Fighter IV in Los Angeles tonight from 8pm to 12am. This launch is made extra-cool because attendees have the chance to win the game at the event a week before it can be sold in stores! I was seriously contemplating of driving down to LA but knowing how bad the traffic is going to be, that may not be a possibility. It is a time like this that makes me wish that I live in LA! On another note, my Japanese friend on X-Box Live is already playing the game because it's already released in Japan! He said that the game is arcade perfect and the load time is fast. I am so happy for him but waiting for next Wednesday is going to feel like 20 years in itself.

Why LA and not San Francisco... WHY???

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