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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Though many believe that the arcade stick is the best way to play fighting games on the consoles, I prefer to stick with directional-pad controllers. During the Genesis years, I played a lot of Street Fighter II using the console's 6-button controller. On the X-Box 360 however, I am forced to use the analogue stick to play its fighting games that include Soul Calibur IV and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix or even to play precision-sensitive game like Ikaruga because the D-pad on the default controller is just plain bad. I regretted buying Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix for the 360 because I could have played it with the controller I am using now for Street Fighter IV.

ASCII Fighting Pad for the PlayStation 2.

I first bought the ASCII Fighting Pad for the PlayStation 2 in 2001. I originally ordered the Sega Dreamcast version of the controller but the online store sent me the PS2 version by mistake. I decided to keep it and I am glad that I did because it did get used a lot when more 2D fighting games were released via import and domestically over the last several years. We all know that the PlayStation 3 doesn't accept connectors from previous generation PlayStations unless they are USB-based. I am able to make the controller work on the PS3 by using a device that was made for the Personal Computer called "Super Joy Box 3". Its purpose is to allow any PS1 or PS2 controller to be used on the PC without the need of any software installation and I purchased it a while back to make it easier for me to play some of my PC games. Since the PS3 accepts pretty much anything USB-based, the device works like a charm.

The magical Super Joy Box 3. The scratches on it were
caused by being in hibernation inside my closet for way too long.

It has been a while since I last used this controller so the D-pad on it feels a bit heavy but it is definitely an improvement over the Dualshock 3. The controller's 6-button layout is responsive and easily accessible versus having to meddle with the shoulder buttons. Though it's not wireless like the new fighting pad from Mad Catz, it still makes the experience of playing Street Fighter IV even better. Those who can't decide between buying an expensive arcade stick or a much-cheaper 6-button fighting pad should give the latter a chance, especially if said individuals haven't touched an arcade stick for a long time because it always take some time to get used to a new control scheme.

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