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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

August 2008 Monthly Gaming Analysis

The results shown below are of course based on the combined data from the Daily Game Log which should provide a clear indication of a game's usage frequency. Bear in mind that even if a game is played twice or more during a particular day, it would still register as 1 in the Day Count column below. In a sense, "merits" are given based on how often a particular game can make me play it again throughout the entire period of the month on a daily basis. A game that makes a gamer play it over and over again or at least spend a lot of time with it... Isn't that what we mostly want from a great game? I don't think it's really fair to count all the way down to the number of hours played since some games only require a short amount of time to properly serve their purposes.


Total Number of Games Played: 63

I am still completely addicted to Ikaruga, believe it or not. I am moving up the Leaderboards and the satisfaction that comes with each increased rank is exhilarating. I have now mastered Chapter 4, a hypnotic stage that is probably the most intimidating out of all 5. The multiple number of odd physical strains I had on my body recently caused me to skip a lot of my Yourself!Fitness exercises. Those coupled with the current messy state of my game room really took a toll on me. There are games scattered all over the floor most likely triggered by my "Random Game of the Day" feature. I keep telling myself to get the room organized but whenever I am there, my focus is on playing the games instead of cleaning up. I know for sure I will not be touching Wii Fit again but now I am in that lazy mood so Yourself!Fitness may get undeservedly ignored. I did cancel my Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures subscription mostly because the promised major PVP update was and is still nowhere in sight. A number of cool X-Box 360 games came out last month they dominated the top of the chart. With me both picking up Infinite Undiscovery at retail as well as possibly receiving my Tales of Vesperia Premium Edition order from Amazon.com today, that trend may continue into mid-September.

Best New Game of the Month:
Galaga Legions (X-Box 360)

Unexpectedly Forgotten New Game of the Month:
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Personal Computer)

I Missed You I Want You Game of the Month:
Siren: Blood Curse (PlayStation 3)*
*For the second month in a row. I had to keep holding myself back because of the other great games that came out last month. I may love my games a lot but my funding does have its limits.

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