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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Preview: Tales of Vesperia Demo

Tales of Vesperia
Developer: Namco Bandai Games
Platform: X-Box 360
Scheduled Release Date: 08/26/2008

It took several weeks after the premature Live announcement for this demo to finally come out again. The anime-look is crisp and colorful and even in this short demo, the personalities of the characters that define the series are already there in full force. The main character is pretty cool, with his long purple hair and laid back attitude (versus the stereotypical moody or angst-ridden protagonists) and I do want to know more about the pipe-smoking samurai dog! The real time battle system is a joy to play even though it doesn't offer anything new that have already been seen in the other Tales. It's fast, furious, and filled with flashy special effects. I do wish that the game was fully voiced even during small moments in the game for it would strengthen the story even more. After The Elder Scrolls IV, I just hate reading text in my role playing game conversations.


The best looking Tales yet!

The battles load fast and play faster.

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