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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Games Played 09/01/2008


Ghosthunter (2004)
Developer: SCEE Cambridge Studio
Platform: PlayStation 2
Purchase Date: 2004

No place is scarier than an old abandoned high school...

Now I remember who Nathan Drake from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune reminded me of... It's Lazarus Jones from Ghosthunter! This ghost hunting adventure is a bit light on horrific scares but it's still quite chilling as it is goofy. It's more of an action adventure game and it is definitely not survival horror. This game has graphics that surpass any preconceive notions you may have about the PlayStation 2. The guys at Cambridge Studio need to start working on a new PlayStation 3 game and fast!

LIBRARY STATUS: 4 out of 5

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