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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Project X Zone: Target's Last Copy

If there was one gaming regret that still haunts me from my past, it would be not picking up a copy of Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier for the Nintendo DS when I saw it sitting on the retail shelf at Fry's Electronics when the game was first released before taking with me another game to the cash register. Ever since then, I was unable to find the game again at retail and it would not make sense if I were to purchase it at the ridiculous price that people are selling the game for ever since it went rare. So when Project X Zone was announced for the Nintendo 3DS, I was ecstatic. I kept reminding myself to pre-order a copy at Amazon just to ensure that I get the game - and you know pre-ordering is a pretty rare thing for me so it should tell you just how special this game is. The fact that Namco x Capcom for the PlayStation 2 never reaches the North American shores made the game even more desirable for many people. For me, the appearances of familiar game characters from across Capcom, Namco Bandai Games, and Sega was the most exciting thing about Project X Zone but it is the frenetic 2D sprite battles made the game even more adorable. Well, a week ago I finally remembered to place my pre-order and of course by then, the game was no longer available on Amazon. Immediately there were already crazy sellers offering the game at high prices to take advantage of the situation. I felt silly of course that I didn't pre-order earlier but at least I feel a whole lot better about things now:

Building up my Game Library for my modern Nintendo platforms.

As you can see, I did manage to score a copy today from the most unexpected of places... Target?! Fry's didn't have the game yet, which is to be expected these days with their weird inventory situation, but I was able to get the last copy from a local Target store. In a way, things worked out better because I didn't have to wait for the game to arrive from Amazon and there's even another bonus! Target also had Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the Wii U on sale so I decided to bring that home as well. I am trying to do my best to support my Wii U since I have decided to bypass the PlayStation 4 and the X-Box One due to their inappropriate FEE-to-play onlilne multiplayer practice. I remember someone telling me that I should still get one of those consoles just for the single player games and play all the online-multiplayer games on my Personal Computer. Well, that's like buying a pair of underwear to put on at the beach only that there's a large hole in the front and my private part is left out in the open. That would probably work great when shooting pornography but not for a public beach. No thank you. I don't know why people would buy the PS4 and/or the XOne if they don't plan on paying the online multiplayer fees because that's a lot more dumb than getting the PS4 and/or the XOne and actually paying the online multiplayer fees.

1 comment:

Chalgyr said...

Nicely done - I grabbed my copy the other day too. Thoroughly enjoying it thus far. :)