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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Real Curse of the Sinistrals

There is one important thing that you want to be able to see when you pick up a game case at the retail store - screenshots. Sure, the cover art is what probably made you pick up the game case in the first place but you want to be able to gawk over, hopefully, some in-game screenshots. Well, I suppose in this day and age, one could always research information about a game on the Internet before stepping into the store but even after you have done that, unless the game case is behind a locked shelf, you are going to grab it, sniff it, shake it, and flip it around anyway. Well, most people would grab it and look intently at both the front and back cover but I actually have seen people shake the case and sniff it before. At least I would sniff mine at home after I unwrap them from their plastic covering. Apparently the people at Natsume had forgotten about the screenshot thing because the game case for Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals on the Nintendo DS that I recently inducted into my Game Library actually had none on it:

At least some description on how the game looks like? Oh, that's classified too?

I checked some of my other physical games I have from publisher Natsume and they do have screenshots on the back so it's not like this is a usual occurrence for them whatsoever. So was this an oversight? Was it intentional? What's the deeper meaning behind this? Is it a commentary on blind consumerism? Don't judge a game by its back cover? I can confirm that the game, which uses 3D graphics, does look pretty remarkable so there was no reason why they wouldn't slap a screenshot or two on the back of the case.

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