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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Vita's First Real Outing

It was easy for me to criticize the PlayStation Vita like I did recently in regards to its cross-buy feature but sometimes, I have to place the Vita inside the right environment to allow it to show its shine. I have mentioned in the past that playing the Vita in the bedroom, away from my gaming hub that is my Game Room, is quite a treat but that is nothing like the experience I had with it today. The venue? How about a place away from home? More specifically, what we are talking about here is the hospital waiting room. The spouse had to undergo surgery this morning - everything went well and the prognosis is good - and as you could probably imagine, sitting in that waiting room was quite a stressful time for me. I had to make a decision before leaving the house between taking the Nintendo 3DS or the Vita with me and I am so glad that I picked the Vita. In that sterile, desolate landscape, the Vita transported me away to a more cheerful place via PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and you know what? I was even able to participate in my first online free-for-all match over the crappy hospital Wi-Fi without any connection loss nor lag! I didn't win the match but I had a blast:

I should only play my Vita when I'm outside of the Game Room.

As I was playing sitting there playing the Vita, I could appreciate the clarify and richness of the system's display, even though it's not even high definition, and I was thankful that the graphics were indeed nice enough. I surely wished that I had fully charged up the system last night though because I couldn't keep playing the Vita for the entirety of my wait but I had no one else to blame but myself. Thanks Vita for being there for me in my time of need.


Chalgyr said...

Glad to see the system getting some mileage from you. I've been playing my Vita quite a bit the last few weeks as I have been much more on the go of late. All-stars, Uncharted and Persona 4 have made up the majority of my play on it.

Loner Gamer said...

That Vita Uncharted never seems to want to drop down in price lol. I want to get it when it hits like $19.99. Have you played Persona 4 before on the PlayStation 2? I have and I am wondering if it's worth another go on the Vita when I can just replay it on my PC via PCSX2. They even got a widescreen patch going via the PCSX2 but from what I understand, they made some changes to the game for the Vita version.

Chalgyr said...

I lucked out on Uncharted and nabbed it as a PS+ freebie a while back. It is good, but I don't think it's as good as the console titles 1-3.

I had not played Persona 4 prior to this. My only other Persona title was part 1 back on the PS1 many moons ago. That said, I have heard there is some additional content, and that the visuals are improved - but I get the feeling that the game is largely the same as before with some tweaks here and there. It's awesome - but I don't have the original to compare against, sorry.