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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wii U Pro Controller

I don't know why I felt the urge to get the Wii U Pro Controller but I did. Perhaps I am just preparing for the future where I envision myself playing Wii U games without that gigantic Wii U Gamepad sitting in front of me. Now that the controller is here, I have to say that I am a bit disappointed that I rushed its acquisition because the Wii U Pro Controller just feels... strange. It is easily the second worst controller Nintendo had ever made next to the Wii Classic Controller Pro. First off, the Pro Controller feels too light in my hands and the almost flat face that tries to mimic the surface of the X-Box 360 controller just feels odd where the base of your thumbs rest as they beg for little bit more slope. The placement of the second analog stick at the top right hand side, a decision made for the sake of consistency with the Wii U Gamepad versus efficient functionality though not much of a hindrance, is definitely puzzling. I also don't understand why the Pro Controller would light up every time you press a button while the console is off, just like the Wiimote. It should just be completely off until it is turned on. Other than those concerns, the controller itself is responsive. I suppose I was expecting some high quality controller build because of its rather hefty $49.99 price tag but overall, the controller feels really cheap. I'd say it should be sold for a mere $19.99. If you are curious about the Pro Controller, keep that curiosity in check or it will definitely kill the cat. Just stick to the Wii U Gamepad until Nintendo releases a better standard controller for the console.

The Wii U Pro Controller on the right is almost as bad as its older sister on the left.
Oh well, at least it knows how to rumble.

RATING: 3 out of 5

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