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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, June 3, 2013

Facebook is Annoying

Okay, it's time again to step out of the gaming universe and talk about other things in life like... Facebook for instance. From the beginning, I never liked Facebook. I thought it intrudes on our personal lives too much while the whole white and blue motif was just too sterile for me. I was a Myspace fan however because of its wild predisposition without trying to do a literal and figurative colonoscopy on you. After a while though, my friends started moving to Facebook and since Myspace started to become a bit too inconvenient with too many ads popping up everywhere, I made the switch. I sure wish I didn't these days. Checking my Facebook everyday can be quite hazardous as well as annoying because of the whole "Like" whoring phenomenon where strange organizations or groups beg to be liked by the community. And they will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to secure a "Like". Here's a really outlandish example:

Wait... What?

Of course those who don't see the blatant criminal audacity of this, coupled with their misguided sense of morality, would immediately hit that "Like" button and soon, the Facebook zombies would spread this annoying demand all over the place. Now you would think that perhaps this message was prompted by some socially responsible group of people because of the life and death dilemma posed but no... This particular message was promoted by:

I don't know what a "cuttest" is but no, pulling that nasty like-begging trick is not cute at all.

Apparently, posting pictures of scantily-clothed men and women of Mexican descent - I am not a fan of "racial" messages because I see all of us as being humans instead of being parts of some man-made idea of races and ethnicity, so why not just call the group "Cutest People"? - is not enough for the page's admins to get the amount of likes that they need to feel good about themselves so they resort to some really horrifying message to get people to hit that Like button. The fact that this is happening is disturbing enough but of course it is more alarming to know that some of my acquaintances on Facebook actually fell for this kind of moronic crusade. I think there was a time when Facebook actually had a "Dislike" button but I could be wrong. I think such functionality should be included on Facebook and that both the Like and Dislike counts should be shown on all messages and group pages because you know as well as I do that this particular one would have gotten millions of Dislikes... At least I hope so but I could be very wrong about that based on what I have been seeing.

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