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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Se(g)a Change

I have never been the one who would induct games into my Game Library just for the sole reason of supporting a favorite developer because I have always been about the games themselves. But I made an exception today when I got Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I on Steam for the Personal Computer. Mind you that I actually already gotten this game on the X-Box 360 and it ended up being just an okay experience so what made me take such a wild action? Well, I am beginning to love Sega again - the love went away after they started destroying Sonic himself - because they have started to embrace the Steam brand of digital distribution to the fullest lately.

The stages are a lot of fun but the horrible bosses ruin the game.

It's no secret that they have released poor console ports in the past like the disastrous Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing without multiplayer options, but newer games like Sonic Generations as well as Sonic 4 both got full Steamworks treatment. The recent announcement for the PC version of Binary Domain that will also fully utilize Steamworks is a clear indication to the preferred PC distribution channel for Sega and we should all be very happy about this. I think it's important to support these Steamworks-integrated Sega games so that they are encouraged to bring more games to the PC side of the gaming universe. Can you imagine playing a Yakuza game without any horrible load times? It's possible on the PC. Sega games are the perfect fit for PC releases and the Steam integration will ensure that it will be a profitable venture for them. How about that upcoming Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown? - it would be great to see that being released via Steam! Make it happen Sega.

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