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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, June 30, 2012

1TB That SOB!

I have decided to upgrade my PlayStation 3's hard drive after seeing that there was only 20GB left of free space in there.  Sure, I can always do some digging and delete the large mandatory game installs from the Blu-ray game discs to recover some space. Still, we all know how long it takes to complete those mandatory installs in the first place so I rather just leave them in the HDD unless I know for certain that I would not be playing the associated games anymore. I have ordered a 1TB HDD that should hopefully be arriving next week and this morning, I have backed up the current data into an external drive. This means however that I should not be playing any games on the PS3 until the HDD transition has occured. So sleep tight my PS3. When you wake up from your slumber, you will love your new implant and you will be a better console thanks to it as well. If only I could 1TB that X-Box 360...

Surprisingly, the back up process only took around 2 hours.
I was ready to leave my unit on for the entire day.

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