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Friday, March 16, 2012

Diablo III: Should I Go Big?

Perhaps they have sensed an incoming cataclysmic apocalypse of galactic proportion or that they just know World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandaria is not going to hold people's interest after the rampant criticism, but whatever the real reason may be, Blizzard has finally announced a solid date for Diablo III yersterday. The unholy date when your wallet will get raped? It's May 15th, 2012. Now I still and will continue to have that conviction that I would only pay a maximum of $39.99 for a video game but with this game, I have a feeling that I may be making an exception - unless the spouse intervenes and buys me the game instead. I have played the beta - the excruciating teaser that it was with such limited content access - and I know how grand this game will be. Blizzard has been infected with that $59.99 for a Personal Computer price point disease but the real question here, should I go big and get that ridiculously priced, guaranteed to leave you poor Collector's Edition?

$99.99 is a whole lot of money...

I did have an epiphany when it comes to "special editions" recently so that in itself has become a good reason why I should stay far, far away from this so-called "Ultimate Diablo III Experience". Let's think about it for a moment. What makes this so... "Ultimate"? That it has an art book and soundtrack CD? That it has a behind the scene Blu-ray? That you get... a pet for World of Warcraft that I don't play anymore? The only thing that is actually interesting in this package is that wicked Diablo Skull USB that contains the complete second game in the series. I do not own the first and second Diablo. I played these on a friend's computer a long time ago so it would be nice to actually get Diablo II this way. But it would it not be cheaper to just get it separately? And we all know that once Diablo III is here, there is really no reason to play the second game again. If there is anything good about this expensive edition though, it would be the big box it is packaged in... If you have seen one of these Blizzard boxes, you know they look cool and they make you feel really hot and bothered. But is that enough to justify the price? Maybe. Just maybe... Because, it is Diablo III. Yet, I can just do a digital pre-order to be able to play the game immediately once the server is up. Yes, direct digital distribution works. I always find it funny that people think that once we go all digital, people will have problems downloading a game on day one... It's called a "Pre-Load", and it's beneficial for both the gamers with the quick access and the developers with the guaranteed sales.

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