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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Windows 8: The Fun Never Ends?

I was on the Windows Store again this morning after testing out those free games I got last night - iStunt 2 is actually kind of fun - and I found... another free X-Box game? Shuffle Party contains a variety of shuffle board games and though the game could really benefit from online play, it is the first game that I have seen to incorporate our own custom LIVE avatar in it:

Which is more distracting? The poor graphics or the in-game ad?

You know, it's funny. Microsoft's line of Windows operating systems have birthed plenty of incredible gaming experiences yet Microsoft themselves stubbornly refused to contribute to it as a dominating gaming platform. Valve is the only company that is hard at work on doing that and with great success. Why don't we see more games that use our LIVE avatars on the Personal Computer? Why is Microsoft so obsessed with console gaming - excluding the known fact that they know they can swindle uninformed console only gamers by charging them for online multiplayer and access to services that you can get free on the PC and everywhere else - when they have a gold mine right before their eyes? They didn't have to do much since Valve and NVIDIA already did the difficult task of educating the masses that they have the ability to play PC games on their big screens, a factor that seems to be a deal-breaker for a lot of ignorant gamers, and they can thank me for trying to get that word out for a long while. Don't waste money selling console hardware, Microsoft. Make your money from all the brilliant digitally-distributed high quality games that you can release for the PC via the Windows Store! Oh well, at least we have Steam.

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