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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Just Like Mila Kunis...

While it's unlike Mila Kunis in some ways, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch for the PlayStation 3 is sadly just like Mila Kunis where it counts. How so? Well, both are beautiful to look at but there is nothing else underneath that beauty. In the case of Mila Kunis, she's ranked one of the most horrible actresses I have ever witnessed in my lifetime and when it comes to Ni no Kuni, it is perhaps one of the most boring games I have played in a while. The main problem with this absolutely beautiful game - it is more visually attractive than the demos shown during the nasty PlayStation 4 reveal event - is that playing the early part of the game feels like playing a really long-winded tutorial... I just want to get to the meat of the monster-battle gameplay and the surprisingly dark storyline but no... Level-5 just won't allow me to do it... Not until this is explained and that is explained. Now, I wouldn't mind if they would just cram all the feature explanations into the first half hour of the game but the whole thing is being revealed at an inconsistent intervals, sandwiched between cut-scenes and lengthy adventuring sessions. I just can't seem to force myself to play through that anymore... I actually fell asleep twice trying to play this game!

I used to recommend watching Halle Berry movies as a sleep aid until I found this game...

I am sure there may be a better experiences to be found if I continue playing the game just like the potential discovery that outside of acting, Mila Kunis may actually be a really nice person but I would have to drink a lot of caffeine to probably get through another I don't know 5 hours of tutorial since it never seem to end.. It's like Level-5 is afraid that if we know everything about the game's mechanics, the game would lose its charm - well too late for that! Yes it is great that Ni no Kuni is proof that no new hardware is needed to make pretty games because that is the truth that game developers need to understand but sadly, it's unfortunate that the game ended up being mediocre gameplay-wise. At least it still serves as a precautionary tale that games are never about the graphics nor access to new hardware: it's always been about the gameplay...

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