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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The 2000th Game

I made it. It's here. Torchlight almost got that title but the game's demo delays me from its purchase. I got bored earlier this evening and decided to go out to the game store instead of handing out candies to the kids - well, I had a big bowl of candy ready but apparently, this neighbourhood where I live does not have a lot of kids trick-or-treating. My 2000th game is Gearbox Software's Borderlands for the Personal Computer. I am planning to do a tribute article - and video on YouTube - for the game very soon. I played the game a bit a couple of hours ago and it is quite strange yet it is definitely quite fun. Imagine Fallout 3 without the V.A.T.S. and the in-depth character interactions but with multi-player and you have a general idea of what this game is all about.

Update Note: 12/11/2009 - Because of the very visual nature of the tribute ideas I have to celebrate Borderlands, there will not be a tribute article for the game on this site. Instead, it will be in video form that will be hosted on my companion piece YouTube page. I have several episodic videos entitled "Life with the 2000th Game" ready for viewing.

Life Companion # 2000

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