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Explore My Game Room

Sunday, January 4, 2015

I Don't Want Every Game, Just Some of Them

It's easy to conclude that yours truly is crazy about video games. After all, I do have too many games than I know what to do with them without making a conscientious effort. But I know that my love for gaming is not beyond reason and I am relieved of that fact thanks to the Discovery Queue feature that was introduced to Steam some time last year. Basically, Steam recommends around 10 games every time you refresh the queue and from there, you can choose to follow the listed games, add them to your wishlist, or tag them as games that you are not interested in. Ever since its introduction, I have viewed more than a thousand games and the result is illuminating:

As of 01/03/2015, I was not interested in 71% of the games I viewed in my queue.

I know, my wishlist is still rather bloated at 604 games but that has been accumulating way before the queue explorer was even thought of. I am really pleased that on average, I am only interested in about 29% of the games I see. That must mean that I am not that uncontrollable in my gaming desires, right?

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