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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Games Played 09/27/2008

Aegis Wing - X-Box 360
Grand Theft Auto IV - X-Box 360
Growlanser: Generations Deluxe - PlayStation 2
Ninja Gaiden II - X-Box 360
Triggerheart Exelica - X-Box 360
Rez HD - X-Box 360


Neo Contra (2004)
Developer: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Platform: PlayStation 2
Purchase Date: 2004

Destroying enemies while running on top of spinning chopper-blades... Exciting?

KCET revived the Contra series with their excellent Contra: Shattered Soldier for the Playstation 2. This follow up deviated from the uber-2D side scroller and became a full top down shooter with the freedom to shoot at a 360 degree angle. Even though this design is a throwback to some of the stages in the Contra games of the past, making the whole game designed as such lead to an uneven and unpolished experience. There are also some of the lamest boss fights in the history of Contra to be found within this game. Let's hope that KCET have learned their lesson from this misguided project.

LIBRARY STATUS: 3 out of 5

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