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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, September 12, 2008

Games Played 09/11/2008

Cho Aniki - Wii
Galaga Legions - X-Box 360
Gley Lancer - Wii
Ikaruga - Dreamcast
Castle of Shikigami III - Wii
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise - X-Box 360


Grandia III (2006)
Developer: Game Arts
Platform: PlayStation 2
Purchase Date: 02/16/2006

Miranda cares about her son and her own self.

Just like Namco Bandai's Tales role playing series, each Grandia game spends a lot of its time on character development. Though the main plot - the escorting a holy person to an altar kind - has been done too many times, what makes the game playable are the interesting interactions between the characters. Miranda, the mother to the story's hero, must be one of the most well-realized characters in an RPG ever. She is a very young single mother who actually has an unconventional mind. Her character is so successful, she eclipses all of the other story elements in the game.

LIBRARY STATUS: 4 out of 5

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