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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The One Time I Actually RT...

So you know those kind of annoying "RT" contests on Twitter? Well, I don't actually participate in such nonsense because you know, with a billion people retweeting, what are the chances that I would get picked right? Well, I should really rethink that life philosophy because I saw that the hard working people at Twitch Support were doing a "Name Change" contest today and I was like, what the heck, I'll RT it and then this happened:

WothTheAlex... Hey, that is me!


Chalgyr said...

Haha - congrats!

I have won a few smaller things like that, generally from slightly smaller websites. Any of the bigger ones where you know a gagillion people are entering? Not so much

Loner Gamer said...

Some of the larger prizes also require that you "like" 5 different Facebook pages and then fill out a form and whenever I encounter those I would be like, "Ah, no..."