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Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Bit Late to the 8.1 Update

Since I don't actually keep up with popular news media, something that has always been looked down upon with a frown by the spouse, I wasn't surprised when I found out this morning that Microsoft had released the Windows 8.1 update several days ago. I didn't know until I launched OBS to start streaming and that software prompted an update that included better performance for Windows 8.1. I do want to say that some kind of notification should have popped up via Windows Update or even the animated tiles of the Windows Store but no, those things didn't happen. The one thing I am excited about with this update is just the supposedly more robust customization feature of the "Metro" screen. I understand that the start button is coming back to in some fashion but that had never been a cause for concern for me to begin with.

Though I am on the desktop 99.9% of the time, I still want the other screen to look pretty.

Update Note: 1:26pm - That 8.1 update took a long time to finish and in regards to the customization option, it was thoroughly disappointing. So yeah, you can now experiment with different color combinations of the selection of backgrounds available or even use the wallpaper of your desktop but you still cannot do anything about the non Windows 8 app tile colors. Granted, Windows 8.1 now tries to give each application its own background color but as you can see from the screenshot below, it just doesn't work all that great. I still got a lot of grey tiles and look at the one for Origin that I pointed out using the big black arrow. It was almost swallowed whole by that ugly orange. Ugh.

What's so difficult about allowing users to set individual tile colors?

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