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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, October 11, 2013

Sith Sense: Jedi's Extramarital Activities

I normally don't mess with the spouse's Personal Computer but I saw something peculiar when I was near its vicinity a couple of days ago. There was a familiar looking icon on the desktop so I decided to investigate further. I was quite shocked with what I found:

Wow. Have you been cheating on our co-op time?

Later on, I approached the spouse in regards to this very troubling but potentially delicious development. The spouse simply told me that it was free and it was Star Wars - while I dabble more into horror, the spouse is a sci-fi fanatic - but it hasn't been played yet. I explained that I have the game installed too and invited the spouse to watch me play it or better yet, play together with me. I was so excited that finally, the spouse and I would be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic together before I was given a quick answer of "No". I was a bit annoyed by that so I didn't pursue the conversation further. The spouse has been spending the time at home watching television shows like usual these days so the game has yet to be touched. I will share more if this ever develop into something else.

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